Like the saying goes, as we get older time seems to pass by quicker. It feels like only yesterday when we were ambitiously working the crafts shows at the ages of 16 and 17. Now at 36 and 37, we look back at those younger years and we both can affirm that those days were magical.
Ms. Cass & Ms. Tam at the Kitchener Market Craft Show 1993
During those few years, we felt the happiest and most connected to our creative spirits. In those days, we both knew in our guts that creating and being creative was what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives. It blows our minds to see the years go by, knowing that we have not fully gotten back to our true selves and to the root of what made us happy and fulfilled. In the past 20 years we can count only a hand full of times when we have gotten together to craft, to seriously craft, and be involved with a show here or there.
Of course when real life kicks in with all it distractions and
responsibilities, it's hard to make the time and effort to dedicate to the purpose of creating. Regardless, we made the decision that this year will be the start of something different. We are trying to work together, mesh schedules, balance a newborn and every other facet of family life and continue to create - with no excuses.
A few years ago the loss of our mother, a real crafting Jedi, has been our greatest source of motivation. It got us talking about how much we miss crafting and how when we create something with our hands, we feel closest to her. She was such a creative force. She taught us to try every medium and never get discouraged if something didn't turn out. She was always the first to let us know how "beautiful" or how "smart" something was and always encouraged us to make more. She truly, truly believed in her heart and soul that we needed to dedicate ourselves to using our creativity to make things and in doing that, she knew we would be greatly successful. With that belief in us and her driving force behind us, how could we not try to live up to that potential.
Ms.Cass 2013 |
Which brings us to here, taking that first step together, beginning a new chapter in both our lives(as fully and sometimes chaotic) trying to live as our true self"s.
Let the journey begin.